Category: CSO Grant
Closing Date & Time: 31st December 2017
The project: Support to Civil Society in Bhutan, funded by the European Union and managed by HELVETAS Bhutan, provides technical and financial support to CBOs (Community Based Organizations – groups and cooperatives registered under the Cooperatives Act, and organized but non registered groups and associations) and CSOs (Organizations registered with the CSO Authority) with the overall objective “to improve the enabling environment and operational capacity for civil society engagement in sustainable development and good governance by promoting an inclusive approach to strengthen civil society actors”
In this regard, HELVETAS Bhutan would like to invite proposals from CBOs and CSOs in the below mentioned strategic initiatives that contribute to good governance and sustainable development:
- Cluster 1: Civic awareness and actions: (a) participating in and influencing the priorities, planning and decision making of local and central government policies, strategies and plans; (b) role and contribution of civil society to local and national development; (c) social accountability processes and mechanisms; (d) community monitoring of local government plans and budget
- Cluster 2: Women’s political and social empowerment; women’s leadership and participation; strengthening women’s role and recognition in society
- Cluster 3: Socio-economic empowerment initiatives, especially for women and youth groups in: (a) sustainable social enterprises; (b) employment generating activities of self-help groups
- Cluster 4: Vulnerability reduction initiatives; support to initiatives that directly benefit vulnerable groups
The maximum grant size is EURO€ 30,000.00 per year for CSOs and EURO€ 20,000.00 per year for CBOs and the preference will be given to proposals that are innovative and support activities in the 10 poorest Dzongkhag and 10 poorest Gewogs in the country. Joint proposals for complementary initiatives are also encouraged. Standard project proposal template and application guidelines and forms are available on the website. Duly completed project proposals (hard OR soft copies) should be submitted to the Project Manager, EU-SCS, HELVETAS Country Office, Bhutan or via the website.
The last date for the submission of proposals is 31st December 2017; however, the applicants are encouraged to submit the proposals in advance to permit sufficient time for review and modification. For further information, please contact, Project Manager, EU-SCS, HELVETAS Country Office, Bhutan, Thimphu at 02-322870 or through email at