The Civil Society Organizations Authority, Thimphu would like to invite sealed quotations from interested and eligible national printing firms for the Design, Layout and printing of CSOA Advocacy Material (Diary).
Sl. No.
Sale of Tender
Submission of tender
Opening of tender
Design, Layout and printing of CSOA Advocacy Material (Diary)
19th September 2017 to 19th October 2017
19th October 2017at 04:00 pm
20th October 2017at 11: 00 am
The sealed documents should be addressed to the Member Secretary, CSOA and submitted along with the following documents:
a) A duly completed and signed price schedule form as per the technical specifications;
b) A valid Trade License;
c) A valid Tax Clearance Certificate; and
d) Any other requirements
For further information, please contact CSO Authority, Thimphu, at the telephone number 02-324954 during office hours.